Kunstsalon VISION
Location Sort/Hvid
October 3 17H00 - 18H30
Language English
Duration 90 min.

Price DKK 10 + fee

In connection with Ann Liv Young’s visit to Sort/Hvid, she will be performing an excerpt from her upcoming performance, MARIE ANTOINETTE. You can read more about this event, and purchase tickets for Ann Liv Young’s performance HERE.

NOTE: the MARIE ANTOINETTE performance will be playing for only two evenings: October 4 and October 5 at 20h00.

Set Designer, director and artistic manager of Sort/Hvid NATHALIE MELLBYE Performance artist and choreographer ANN LIV YOUNG Theatre critic and facilitator MONNA DITHMER

Photos LUNA STAGE (photo os Nathalie Mellbye), NICHOLAS STRINI (photo of Ann Liv Young)

Kunstsalon VISION


– a conversation between the scenic artist and director of Sort/Hvid [Black/White] Nathalie Mellbye and the choreographer and performance artist Ann Liv Young, from New York; this conversation will be moderated by theatre and ballet critic Monna Dithmer, who is currently writing for the Danish daily newspaper, Politiken

Bikubenfonden, in collaboration with Sort/Hvid, hereby invites you to Kunstsalon VISION, where scenographer and set designer Nathalie Mellbye, the newly appointed director of Sort/Hvid, will be meeting with the uncompromising and form-experimenting performance artist Ann Liv Young, arriving from New York, and having a conversation about Nathalie’s and Ann Liv’s respective artistic incentives and motivations.

Both Ann Liv Young and Nathalie Mellbye are, each in their own distinctive ways, seeking to bring the foibles of humanity to light: Young with her unflinching, confrontational performances and Mellbye with her aesthetic staging techniques, which embrace and ennoble what is beautiful in the ugly. Both women are working across the span of otherwise well-defined art forms and neither of them is afraid of this turning ugly, or becoming trashy, or becoming much too much.

These two artists, with Monna Dithmer as the moderator, will be engaging in a conversation that’s going to revolve around being propelled by the darker sides of a society. How are they making use of ugliness and revulsion as artistic vehicles? And why? Does art need to satisfy, or to challenge? Does art necessarily have to provoke? And must art always respect the audience’s needs and boundaries?

Nathalie Mellbye has been singled out for Bikubenfonden’s Artistic Practice program for particularly promising artistic practices. The programmatic purpose of the interview salon, which is one aspect of this program, is to investigate a practicing Danish artist’s special approach to art and the inherent potential seated in this. The artist herself chooses her interview partner, in collaboration with the Salon. The ultimate aim is to strengthen the artist’s international career.




Kunstsalon VISION

October 3 17H00 - 18H30
Location Sort/Hvid
Language English
Duration 90 min.

Price DKK 10 + fee

In connection with Ann Liv Young’s visit to Sort/Hvid, she will be performing an excerpt from her upcoming performance, MARIE ANTOINETTE. You can read more about this event, and purchase tickets for Ann Liv Young’s performance HERE.

NOTE: the MARIE ANTOINETTE performance will be playing for only two evenings: October 4 and October 5 at 20h00.

– a conversation between the scenic artist and director of Sort/Hvid [Black/White] Nathalie Mellbye and the choreographer and performance artist Ann Liv Young, from New York; this conversation will be moderated by theatre and ballet critic Monna Dithmer, who is currently writing for the Danish daily newspaper, Politiken

Bikubenfonden, in collaboration with Sort/Hvid, hereby invites you to Kunstsalon VISION, where scenographer and set designer Nathalie Mellbye, the newly appointed director of Sort/Hvid, will be meeting with the uncompromising and form-experimenting performance artist Ann Liv Young, arriving from New York, and having a conversation about Nathalie’s and Ann Liv’s respective artistic incentives and motivations.

Both Ann Liv Young and Nathalie Mellbye are, each in their own distinctive ways, seeking to bring the foibles of humanity to light: Young with her unflinching, confrontational performances and Mellbye with her aesthetic staging techniques, which embrace and ennoble what is beautiful in the ugly. Both women are working across the span of otherwise well-defined art forms and neither of them is afraid of this turning ugly, or becoming trashy, or becoming much too much.

These two artists, with Monna Dithmer as the moderator, will be engaging in a conversation that’s going to revolve around being propelled by the darker sides of a society. How are they making use of ugliness and revulsion as artistic vehicles? And why? Does art need to satisfy, or to challenge? Does art necessarily have to provoke? And must art always respect the audience’s needs and boundaries?

Nathalie Mellbye has been singled out for Bikubenfonden’s Artistic Practice program for particularly promising artistic practices. The programmatic purpose of the interview salon, which is one aspect of this program, is to investigate a practicing Danish artist’s special approach to art and the inherent potential seated in this. The artist herself chooses her interview partner, in collaboration with the Salon. The ultimate aim is to strengthen the artist’s international career.




Set Designer, director and artistic manager of Sort/Hvid NATHALIE MELLBYE Performance artist and choreographer ANN LIV YOUNG Theatre critic and facilitator MONNA DITHMER

Photos LUNA STAGE (photo os Nathalie Mellbye), NICHOLAS STRINI (photo of Ann Liv Young)